Be part of it!
Membership of the Clean Power Europe cooperative is open to any natural person (i.e. actual individual) and any entity with legal personality.
Here, we set out step by step how to become a member.
1. Read the Articles of Association
Click on the Articles of Association button to the left and familiarise yourself with all the rights and duties incumbent on members. In addition, you can find our “pact” on the Who We Are page; this describes the key rights and duties of members.
2. Fill in the entry form
Click on the Membership Form button, print out the form and return it, completed and signed, to or post it to our Brussels address.
3. Make payment
Now please make over the sum of your investment (min. EUR 1,000 to max. 5,000) to the Belgian bank account of Clean Power Europe: Bank Triodos BE66 5230 8082 6943 - BIC TRIOBEBB. Please note your names and address.
You’ve joined!
As soon as your signed membership form and payment have reached us, we will send you confirmation of membership.
You will be given up-to-date information annually on your membership, your investment and the dividends.
You will also be invited to our Annual General Meeting, where every member can actively influence decision-making by wielding their per-member vote.
You can also transfer your voting rights to a fellow member.
To do so, click on the Authorisation button, print and sign the form, and hand it to a member you trust to vote on your behalf.